From Ad Age + The Harris Poll

Ad Age hosted the Small Agency Conference and Awards this week, which is specifically curated for agencies with 150 or fewer employees. This year’s theme was Living on the Edge and took place virtually for the first time in 11 years.

The three-day conference explored real-world issues faced by small agencies, taking on subjects like to get paid fairly; how to draw in new clients; the prospects for drawing in new talent; the state of the economy; and what the upcoming election might mean for the ad business.

Notable speakers:

Will Johnson, CEO of Harris Insights & Analytics

Greg Hahn, No Fixed Address from BBDO

Jeff Goodby, a Lion of St. Mark and co-founder of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Gerry Graf, founder of a New York creative agency Barton F. Graf

Download the PDF of the data from the Conference here.

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