Briefs, Case Studies, and News

Fast Company

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Name bias at work is real and employees of color are most impacted by it

It's not just 'woke.' These are the most polarizing words in America

Today's top business headlines: Boeing's door problem stokes fears of flying, SpaceX faces fines, Paramount follows record Super Bowl ratings with layoffs

Brief 3 min Read

U.S. Flyers Are Shaken, but Will Make It Through Turbulence

How Boeing's safety problems are impacting our flying habits

Brief 3 min Read

Could AI be the Future of Tax Filing?

Quiet workplaces are problematic. Here are 3 ways to fix them.

'Stupid people work here' and other red flags I encountered at my toxic job

Op-ed: Elon Musk is wrong. DEI needs to remain front and center in 2024

Target and Walmart have it wrong. Locking up essential products is alienating in-store shoppers

If you do any of these 9 things, you might be a toxic boss

Delta Air Lines scores high with American travelers, but each generation has a different favorite

Brief 1 min Read

Travelers Are Generally Satisfied With Flying Experience

The worst part about air travel? You

Hiring managers could be alienating older job applicants with automated HR tools

What Airbnb learned after a year of letting employees work from anywhere

How much do you need to be financially secure? Americans now cite a surprisingly high salary

The pros and cons of taking a 'workcation'

Brands, you're doing Pride allyship wrong

Applying for jobs and not hearing back? Indeed wants to boost your search, Netflix-style

Gen Xers and older millennials really just want to go back in time to before the internet existed

Americans are choosing lottery tickets and maybe eve fortune tellers over financial planners

How do Americans define wealth? The answer may surprise you

Millennials are more likely than other generations to support a cap on personal wealth

POV: Improving workplace diversity with AI is a tough balancing act

Women of color are leaving the workforce and vanishing from unemployment statistics

Self-care may be increasing your stress - here are 5 things to consider

Sometimes the best gift is letting employees avoid the holidays

How to know when it's safe to tell the truth at work

These are workers' biggest fears about 2023

How much are you willing to spend on the creators you love?

Gen Z workers are worried...about retirement

Why business communications in 2022 don't have to be problematic

It's time for corporate America to address the youth mental health crisis

You're probably spending too much time 'Slack-splaining'

Employees are still afraid to discuss mental health at work

Brief 7 min Read

Americans Divided on Role Brands Should Play in Reproductive Rights

Here's what to do if you haven't landed a summer internship yet

68% of U.S. execs admit their companies are guilty of greenwashing

Brief 4 min Read

Education and Income, Not Ideology, Drive Concern For Global Refugee Crisis

Refugees around the world need our help, but Americans don't see them all the same way

Are office careers better than skilled trade jobs? Not according to most Americans

New York Mayor Eric Adams recently suggested that office jobs require higher skill levels, but workers generally don’t see it that way.

Brief 3 min Read

Parents Still Struggle to Save for College

Brand trust in Facebook actually fell after it changed its name to Meta

Brief 3 min Read

American Employees Are Open to Employer-Mandated Vaccines

For new hires, employer vaccine mandates are more likely to be seen as a perk than a penalty

These startups are creating NFTs and digital swag for the metaverse middle class

20 years later, the 9/11 attacks are still seen as the biggest news event of the last half-century

Brief 2 min Read

9/11 looms large in the minds of Americans

Americans are afraid their vaccine passports could get hacked

Brief 3 min Read

Americans feel they’re worse off financially than their parents’ generation

Generation X is the least likely to believe they'll get rich one day

Millennials face yet another workplace challenge - ageism

Brief 3 min Read

Growing up too fast? Older millennials already see themselves as middle-aged

When does middle age start? For older millennials, right now

How corporations can respond meaningfully to voter suppression bills

The biggest rebrands of the decade have this visionary designer in common

Remote work made digital nomads possible. The pandemic made them essential

Brief 4 min Read

Digital Nomads Reveal a New Type of Remote Worker

Forget working from home. Now, it's all about working far from home.

A lot of people are spending their third stimulus checks on home improvements

Report: Women still aren't asking for raises, even though the pandemic hit them hard

Brief 3 min Read

Moving On Up (And Out): Americans Consider Moving Farther from Work

A desire for bigger homes, upgraded amenities, home improvements, and greater distance from work are the latest byproducts of the pandemic.

Work at 1 of these 15 companies if you want to feel good about 2021

Employers say they're protecting essential workers from COVID-19. Some workers disagree

Is now a good time to change careers? More workers are feeling good about it

Brief 3 min Read

Working from Home? Results May Vary.

Aside from home offices, living rooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms have also become productive workspaces.

Actually, Americans are feeling better than you think this winter

Brief 4 min Read

Fast Company/Harris Poll: New Year Blues Affect Third of Americans

Winter weather and returning to work are cited as the most common reasons for seasonal depression.

Most people would be happy to never shake your hand again

Brief 5 min Read

Most Americans Want to Continue COVID-Era Customs After COVID Ends

Most people would be happy to never shake hands again

Brief 3 min Read

Pandemic Fashion Hits Home

Bedroom casual is the new business casual.

More than half of workers have binge-watched TV during work hours

'I can't handle it anymore': COVID fatigue is winning at the worst possible moment

Brief 4 min Read

Americans Show Signs of COVID-19 Fatigue

We asked Americans if they're still proud to be Americans. Here's what they said

The ugly truth about tipping waitstaff during Covid-19

Brief 2 min Read

Fast Company and The Harris Poll Announce Partnership for Exclusive Polling

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