The Insight.

Special Report: Milken Institute and Harris Poll Launch The 2nd Edition of The Listening Project

This week we released the second edition of a global research program in partnership with the Milken Institute called “The Listening Project”. Our collaborative research surveyed nearly 17,000 people in 27 countries conducted over two waves to examine priority issues of global citizenry while identifying the characteristics of business leaders we need to drive both growth and foster a more just world. Overall, The Listening Project offers identification of not only the issues that matter most to ordinary citizens, but the skills and competencies they deem essential in an effective post-pandemic leader.

The case for optimism in this report is that citizens increasingly respect corporations and expect them to fill the void of leadership in solving social challenges. Moreover business can be a catalyst to addressing the ever-growing gaps in income, education, and health while increasing inclusivity and opportunity. Business can bring new innovations, technologies, and partnerships to accelerate recovery that is both expansive and more equitable.

The Milken Institute and The Harris Poll announced results from “The Listening Project” at the Milken Institute Global Conference, see below for ways to follow along:

Where to watch us at MI Global

  • On Monday, CEO John Gerzema delivered the Opening Plenary with a first look at the global findings of The Listening Project, see that video here.
  • On Tuesday, John moderated the panel The Listening Project: Charting a New Course for Global Leaders with Ynon Kreiz, CEO of Mattel, Michael Nyenhuis, President and CEO of UNICEF USA, Stephanie von Friedeburg, Senior Vice President, Operations at International Finance Corporation, and Sam Stephens, Chief Executive AB InBev Foundation. You can watch the livestream recording here
  • Follow along on social with #MIGlobal

Where to catch us in the news

  • Bloomberg Everyone Feels Like They’re Being Left Out of the Global Pandemic Recovery; Charlie Wells
  • Los Angeles Times Financiers return to Beverly Hills for Milken conference — this time with masks and proof of vaccination; Laurence Darmiento
  • Press Release More Than Half Of People Globally Fear The Worst Of The Pandemic Is Still Ahead And Are Looking To Business To Lead, According To New Survey
  • Follow the conversation on Linkedin via the editors’ picks trending new story

For more details on The Listening Project and our activities at Milken Global Conference 2021, please visit where we will continue to post updates. 

Download the Listening Project Executive PDF Report here

Download the Data

This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll from October 13 to 15, among a nationally representative sample of 1,962 U.S. adults.

John Gerzema headshot

John Gerzema


Download the Data

This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll from October 13 to 15, among a nationally representative sample of 1,962 U.S. adults.


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